Shape Up with Ginny

Ginny Gardner has a bachelor’s degree in recreation from Greensboro College, is married with five children and has been teaching Jazzercise for 20 years. She is the Jazzercise franchise owner of the Jazzercise Fitness Center of Cary, an instructor workshop trainer and a quality coordinator. The Jazzercise Fitness Center of Cary has been the top performing fitness center in the Southeast region for more than five years, offering 45 classes a week

Take a Class
“When you love your workout, it becomes a priority,” said Ginny Gardner. “Jazzercise has the most complete 60-minute workout including warm-up, aerobic, strength, stretch and cooldown segments — it’s power in an hour. You get to work out with great people to high energy music using fun moves. It works your entire body. Jazzercise is always evolving!"



If you are new to exercise, begin with two to three classes a week and gradually add classes:

Jazzercise Body Sculpting offers 40–50 minutes of muscle toning workout.
Jazzercise Personal Touch is small group weight training and body sculpting to improve strength, encourage exercise consistency and pays special attention to movement technique.
Jazzercise Express is a 30-minute workout with targeted intensity and moves for great calorie-burning, muscle-toning results.
Junior Jazzercise teaches coordination, strength nutrition and the importance of physical fitness to kids ages 6 to 11.

Dos and Don’ts:
DO modify or slow down movements when you have trouble maintaining correct posture.
DO make movements as large and controlled as possible. Lift torso tall, relax shoulders and extend arms and legs fully.
DO hold abdominal muscles firmly throughout class for proper posture and back support.
DON’T lock knees and/or tilt pelvis. Hold hips and torso firmly in alignment to prevent arching or rounding back.
DON’T compete with anyone in class.

Eat at least one healthy food from each food group a day. Use as your guide and track your progress.

Be sure to check nutrition labels before you eat. Don’t be fooled by a low calorie count. Look at the serving size and number of servings per package.

Have fruit on hand for a quick midday snack, stash dried fruit in your desk or car, or keep pre-washed and cut up fruit in the fridge.

Make a healthy plate filled with the colors of the rainbow by trying new fruits and vegetables. Eat at least five servings of fruit and vegetables every day.

Slow & Steady Wins the Race! Fitness doesn’t have to be hard. Start with small changes and build from there. Even a little extra movement can improve health and relieve stress.

Capitalize on Commercials. Make the most of TV time and let the commercials play. Challenge your family and friends to see who can do the most jumping jacks or leg lifts during the commercials.

Take Five for Fitness. It’s easy to squeeze in 2.5 hours of activity each week with five-minute fitness breaks five times a day. Smaller bursts of movement won’t seem as daunting, but will still have an impact.

Wake Up & Walk. Get more steps in your day by walking whenever you can. Go to your co-worker’s desk instead of using email, get off the bus a few stops early, park out a few spaces at the store or walk around while you talk on the phone.

Make a Move on Your Next Date. Invite family, friends or that special someone to exercise with you. Plan an outing that includes fun physical activity like dancing, skating or bowling.

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