Send Us Your Holiday Traditions

Hosting a holiday cookie party is a cherished annual tradition for many families. What's your favorite way to celebrate?

We’re looking forward to the holidays, and we know you are, too. To help get in the spirit, we want to know about your holiday traditions! Do you have an heirloom menorah, a handmade ornament, or maybe an ugly sweater? Maybe you make cookies, go caroling, or watch “The Polar Express”?

Please send us a photo that captures your holiday tradition and a few sentences explaining why the ritual is special to you and your family. We’ll include both in the November/December issue of Cary Magazine!

It’s free and easy to submit — simply email the following to by Wednesday, Oct. 6.

  1. A clearly-focused photo of the activity or object. The file size of the photo should be 1MB or larger. 
  2. One or two paragraphs explaining your holiday tradition.
  3. Your name and the city or town you live in.

Photos and submissions will be printed as space allows.

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