April is Earth Month — and that means plenty of (local) opportunities to show your love towards Mother Earth.
Cary Earth Day 2023
Head to Earth Day Lane during the Spring Daze Arts and Crafts Festival on April 29 for a compost bin and rain barrel giveaway, recycling tips, garden ideas, greenway maps, an electric vehicle demo, and much more. Enjoy family-friendly booths, Q&A with Town environmental experts, and exciting giveaways all about living green in Cary.
The Environmental Advisory Board is working with community members to staff two waste stations — helping festival visitors sort their disposables between trash to landfill, recycling, and compost. Look for them in Section A near the boat house and Section G near the ballfield.
April 22 & April 23: CFSA Farm Tour
Good Hope Farm in Cary is one of 31 stops on the self-guided regional Piedmont Farm Tour organized by the Carolina Farm Stewardship Association each spring. Learn about the 2023 tour.
Workdays at Good Hope Farm
Help Good Hope Farm grow by joining one of their monthly workdays on the third Saturday of each month from 9-11 a.m. Depending on which workday you attend, projects could include site cleanup and maintenance, weeding and mulching, or planting. Volunteers must be at least 12 years old, and volunteers under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult. Registration required.
Eat Local: CSA Produce Box
Good Hope Farm offers a Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) produce box each year. This 8-week program runs through the spring and summer and will supplement your grocery bill with fresh Cary-grown produce and cut flowers.
Think Apex Day: Saturday, April 29
Think Apex Day was created as a day dedicated to giving back to the Apex community by volunteering in ways that will positively impact the town and the people who live here. Don’t miss these two environmentally friendly opportunities!
- THINK REFRESH. Volunteers will refresh fitness trails and stations at Apex Community Park from 9 a.m. to noon. Click here to register!
- THINK EARTH. Volunteers will wage a “War on Kudzu,” a species which overtakes and smothers all vegetation from 9 a.m. to noon at Apex Jaycee Park. Click here to register!
Morrisville Earth Day Celebration
On April 22, 8 a.m. to noon, the Town of Morrisville will honor Earth Month with a celebration at Western Wake Farmers’ Market. A passport adventure game will be available for those that visit particular farmers’ market vendors and education booths for Earth Day. Gift baskets will be raffled for those who obtain stamps from all stations. There will also be a tree giveaway raffle. Winners will receive a voucher for a 10-15-gallon hardwood to plant this fall.
Stations will include information about native plants, trees, and companion planting (including giveaways), a composting and vermiculture demonstration, information about rain barrels, a recycling sorting activity with prizes, and children’s activities such as seed bomb making, eco-painting, and worms.
The Morrisville Community Library will also be there to distribute Earth Day-themed book lists and to lead a leaf-rubbing art activity.