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Work Wear Clothing Swap and Style Advice
Mar 23, 2019 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
About this Event
Come learn how to make dressing for work easier from wirl wardrobe stylist Jillian Lea. Then, bring work appropriate items that don’t work for you anymore, and swap for gems that make you look and feel great! Wirl stylists will be on hand during the swap to answer questions and help you put together a great new look.
All clothing left at the end of the event will be donated to Dress For Success Triangle NC.
Clothing Swap
- Bring items from your wardrobe that you never wear but someone else might love.
- Find a gem from what others have brought that is perfect for you.
- Ask our stylists for advice on how to make it you!
- Items should be something you could wear to work. Somewhere between “Casual Friday” and an interview.
- Please only bring clothes a consignment shop would take–ie no holes, pills, stretches, pet fur, etc.
- Looking for a job is hard! Looking your best shouldn’t be the hardest part.
- Be ready for the Networking Women of the Triangle job fair in April
- Wirl stylist Jillian Lea will will share tips on how to dress for job fairs and interviews.
- 10:00-10:15 Arrive, snack, meet your fellow swappers.
- 10:15-10:30 How to dress for job fairs and interviews (by Jillian Lea)
- 10:30-noon Shop the swap! Find a gem and take it home. Wirl stylists will be on hand to give you free advice on looking your best
- wirl – Your Trusted Wardrobe Stylist
- Networking Women Of The Triangle – Career Fair April 15th!
- Fit Inspired Living
Other Details
- Each item you bring will enter you to win a free session with any wirl personal stylist.
- Snacks and drinks will be provided.
- $5 suggested donation to Dress For Success – Triangle NC
- Thanks to Fit Inspired Living for hosting us!
- Parking is available in the rear.