3 events found.
N.C. Gourd Arts & Crafts Festival
NC State Fairgrounds, Holshouser Building 4285 Trinity Road, RaleighThe 82nd NC Gourd Arts & Crafts Festival takes place Saturday & Sunday, Sept 7-8, at the NC State Fairgrounds, Holshouser “Village of Yesteryear”...
Somethin’ Special: Dance Music and Arts Festival
The Matthews House of Carya Between2Clouds experience: Somethin’ Special A 1-day electronic dance music and visual arts festival at a historic manor Between2Clouds.com/somethinspecial The link above has more...
Twisted Scizzors Cut-a-thon for Noelle
Twisted Scizzors Salon 2751 Hwy 33 , CaryEvery year, Twisted Scizzors Salon in Cary hosts a cut-a-thon to raise money for a local cancer patient. This year's recipient is 7-year-old Noelle...