Slice 325


About: To educate on the diversity of food in an affordable + creative way. Creative Sustainability is our pillar program, designed as a five-week course to help low-income people leverage their resources in order to create healthy meals for themselves and their families. Each week, participants learn a variety of new skills, techniques, recipes and more. This includes: Grocery budgeting Couponing Grocery assist missions Food safety + handling Canning & preserving food Nutrition assistance Meal preparations


Volunteer Opportunities: Host a food or equipment drive Join board of directors Please contact detailing your interests, skill set, and passion for serving the community. Help with classes. Serve meals to individuals and families in need through our community partners (more information available upon request) Provide professional in-kind services (we currently have a need for Resource Development/Fundraising, Board Development, Marketing, Partnership Facilitation)

Donate: They are also in the planning stages of a fundraiser event called Popcorn Paloozan in September 2020. They are looking for volunteers also sponsors.